Should I repair or replace my shingle roof?

In this article  we will go over the topic “Should I repair or replace my shingle roof”. As homeowners, arming yourself with knowledge of the different features of your house is critical to managing your comfort, safety, and investment cost-effectively. When it comes to roofs that shelter and protect the rest of your house, it is invaluable to ensure its kept in top condition. But how do you know when you need to completely replace your roof shingles or if a simple repair job will fix the issue effectively?

Knowing the difference can save you from overspending when a repair is suitable and avoid major damage to your home when a replacement is required. Agave Roofing specializes in residential and commercial roofing services, which means we help home and business owners make the decision that serves them best. Here are our top four considerations to help you decide:

1. The Severity of the Damage

Understanding if the damage to your shingles and the overall roof is minor or major is an ideal starting point. If only some of your panels have become damaged, there are minor holes in the roof, and the issue is limited to small areas, a roof repair is likely to be the best and most effective method to reprimand the issue. If major damage has occurred, such as when large holes are present or when all of your shingles share the same problem, a roof replacement project is typically the better solution.

2. The Age, State, and Compliance of Your Roof


Roofs experience the worst of the weather conditions, so they can uniformly deteriorate as they age. This can cause them to weaken, not perform their role effectively, and eventually fail to be compliant with building codes and regulations.

If your roof is relatively old and in poor condition, it can be a much better option to replace it rather than to consistently repair different sections which quickly becomes more expensive than a replacement. Roof replacements typically increase the value of your house too, so it’s often a worthy investment.

3. Desire to Change the Appearance

When your roof has experienced some level of damage, it can be a great opportunity to change the appearance or material of your roof through a roof replacement and meet two needs at once.  Your roof comprises a significant portion of your curb appeal so including it with a home renovation will make a big difference in both the look and performance of your home.  

4. The Urgency of the Issue

In most cases, roof problems won’t have an immediate detrimental effect on your property. But in some cases, such as when you’re expecting adverse weather conditions, coming into the winter months or you’re going on vacation soon, the sudden appearance of a roof leak needs to be attended to quickly. As roof repairs can be performed much faster than a replacement, in this case, it’s better to choose an emergency roof repair service to prevent damage before you decide if you need to replace it later.

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